No, definitely not. Many times we see artists with teeth so white that they seem to shine, that may perhaps look good in movies or television, many times they are even edited or modified for photos, etc. but in real life, it looks like botched dental work. While it is true that it is not necessary to be born with a perfect smile to have it, the shape of the smile, the teeth, how white they are, is a decision that must be made together between the patient and the specialist. The specialist will give the best advice based on your knowledge and experience.
An attractive smile, believe it or not, is not a smile with paper-white teeth, the teeth have different shades in different areas of each tooth, shine, translucency in other areas. A perfect smile varies from one patient to another, there are many factors that achieve this result, such as the congruence between the shape of the teeth and the shape of the face, the shape of the dental arch, age, the type of smile, Whether you show a lot of gum or not when smiling, the tone of your facial complexion, as well as teeth with more grayish tones look more natural in older adults, in younger patients you see more areas with translucency and bluish tones, yes, bluish, they are imperceptible to the eye of untrained people who lack knowledge, but they make all the difference. A perfect smile is special for each patient, replicating a perfect smile from one person to another can end in resounding failure. The ideal is that a special and personalized clinical route be made for each patient, so that the specialist helps and guides the patient to make “their smile design” individually for each one.
Activated charcoal toothpastes: PLEASE NO!
Nowadays there are many toothpaste options, many styles and opinions. Activated charcoal is seen in body soaps, moisturizing and exfoliating facial creams, dish soap, laundry bags, food supplement capsules, pillows and the list goes on and on, before this activated charcoal trend in health and beauty, it is They used these particles in water, oil and other filters. If there is already a trend in creams, soaps and masks, then why wouldn't there be an activated charcoal toothpaste? There are many, many brands of well-known commercial dental houses worldwide, new brands have also emerged that are promoted by artists and celebrities, who argue that activated charcoal toothpastes leave a feeling of freshness greater than conventional toothpastes, and they even whiten and brighten teeth, but the real question is, do they work? Before answering this question, it is essential to clarify that many of the brands that produce these toothpastes do not include fluoride as an ingredient in their product, and fluoride has been demonstrated as a very important agent in dental health, maintenance and strengthening of teeth. dental tissues.
Now answering the previous question, according to studies carried out in England since 2019, it has been shown that toothpastes with activated charcoal cause more harm than benefit, this according to the British Dental Journal, one of the most important publications in the dental world. United Kingdom and with reference worldwide. It was also demonstrated by a study carried out by Dr. Joseph Greenwall-Cohen, from the School of Dentistry at the University of Manchester, co-author of the study in an interview with the BBC: “When a toothpaste with activated charcoal is used too frequently "For people with dental restorations, resins, inlays and some types of fixed prostheses, the carbon particles penetrate the restorations and stain them." In the same interview, Dr. Greenwall-Cohen states “charcoal particles penetrate the gingival (gum) tissues and irritate them.”
Toothpastes with activated charcoal have become very famous and are a kind of trend claiming that they whiten teeth, but in different studies carried out in the United Kingdom, such as that of Dr. Greenwall-Cohen, and other researchers in several countries in Europe, have determined that not only do they not whiten teeth, but they irreversibly wear down the enamel surface due to the abrasive characteristic of the carbon particles. If used frequently, it damages gums, enamel, and causes complications such as gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth sensitivity, and by wearing down the enamel, beyond lightening the teeth, it makes them look more yellowish due to the translucency of the enamel than when done. Thinner allows more of the dentin to be seen, which is below the enamel and is yellow in color.